I Remember…

I do understand what a big milestone it is when your child starts school.  Georgia started in Wellington at a beautiful school in Seatoun.  I remember worrying if she would eat her lunch, remember to go to the toilet, have friends to play with, remember to put on a jumper if she was cold – her learning was the last thing on my mind.  Starting school is the first big step into a big world on your own, as a parent I do understand the trust you put in teachers to look after your precious little person.

When we moved up to Auckland, I worried again about moving schools and the girls making new friends.  As parents we always worry don’t we?


I had just started back working when Olivia started school in Auckland and my Mum had to do the school visits and many of the pick ups and drop offs along with our nanny.  I found this so hard after 8 years being at home with the girls.  Now I find it is so lovely to see the village of family members and nannys, au pairs and networks helping everyone out with the mighty work and family juggle at school with your children. It is lovely to see everyone helping and supporting each other.  Our family network and community is so important and something very special at Kohia Terrace School.

I remember…Olivia’s last kindy day was such a huge milestone for me!  Walking out that door for the last time to start a new big chapter of school days for my youngest was huge. End of an era…

I remember…Getting little people out the door for school is always a juggle, but school days are important and precious and something very positive in little people’s lives.   The first year of school is a very big milestone and  teachers really do understand that.  Happy school days everyone.   I remember…


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