Nadia gave me a gorgeous teacher certificate today! How cool! I love it. Thank you Nadia.
Kohia Terrace School. Year 1. The life of 5 year olds. We want to invite parents and family into our classroom. Come and watch our adventures and learn about what we are learning. So when the children come home and you ask, "What did you do today?", the children will never be able to say, "nothing" ever again…our days are busy and learning constant. We love sharing our special first year of school life with you.
Nadia gave me a gorgeous teacher certificate today! How cool! I love it. Thank you Nadia.
Have a great weekend everyone. Easter will be the theme next week. I have crafts, art, writing and maths all with an Easter focus. We will have so much fun! We will finish the week with an egg hunt!
We had a lovely afternoon with our year 5 buddy class. They came and shared their writing with us! We were impressed.
Our cute ‘e’ chicks are coming home today. A lovely way to finish learning all about the letter e this week in phonics.
At the school assembly Martin got a certificate acknowledging all his hard work he is doing with his reading! So proud of you Martin. AND William got TWO certificates at assembly – one from Alison and another from Mrs Brown acknowledging his leadership and kindness in the classroom and out in the playground. What super star boys we have!
Finn and I got gorgeous cards from Stella this morning. What a wonderful way to start Friday. Thank you. ❤️
Children are all so different and this reading wheel guide is just one of the tools we use to assess children’s progress. In New Zealand we have a huge range of abilities in a classroom and teachers are use to teaching at the level children are working at. It is nothing to stress about, learning is a long journey and every child is different.
We tried something new today. We haven’t done a word search/word find activity before.
We did some Cosmic Kids Yoga this morning.
This clip is so beautiful. It gave me an idea. We are hosting the school assembly in Term 3. I thought it would be amazing if we learn how to sing and sign this song to perform. Little Room 5 will need to practise from now though…
Click on this link below to have a look…
The clip is called 50 Mums, 50 Kids, 1 Extra Chromosome and it is on You Tube raising awareness of Down Syndrome. I think it is beautiful.