
Eriko was here for her final visit this afternoon before she starts in Room 5 on Monday.  Welcome Eriko.

Numbers, numbers, numbers – the number before, the number after, counting forwards, counting backwards…

Did You Know?

There is a cafe caravan across the road from the school, parked in a driveway, just by the school crossing on Kohia Terrace Ave.  Callum owns the coffee and hot chocolate van.  The intermediate children are allowed to go over at lunchtime on a Thursday to buy hot chocolates, (not anyone younger than year 6 though).  Always nice to support small young businesses and Callum use to go to Kohia Terrace School many years ago – he is open in the mornings before school if you ever feel like a coffee.

Teaching Love

There has been lots of talk about the very real and scary teacher shortage crisis in New Zealand at the moment.  One of the many reasons given is that we as teachers don’t always promote the profession as positively as we should.  Sooooo that is my goal – I love teaching, it is a gorgeous profession to go into and I hope the career path of teaching becomes one valued in the future for little people to consider.

Sporty Wednesday

Your year 1 teachers – it is fun when we do things together!!!!


Fun in the sun today for sport!  We balanced bean bags and balls on our rackets and had races.  Then we tried flipping our bean bags on our rackets and did other fun sports games.