It is really exciting that we will be celebrating lots of children turning 6 soon. I am not sure if you are aware but Kohia has a healthy eating policy. Some families like to bring in lollies and sweets in goody bags for the class on their child’s birthday. We would rather you think about healthy alternatives where possible or even handing out non-food items such as stickers if you wish to do this. Not every family celebrates their child’s birthday by bringing in treats for the class, so please don’t feel pressured.

If you need some ideas though…

Stella’s Mum Sarah is really inspirational in this area as she is very much a leader and teacher for healthy living. Sarah has certainly inspired my little family to become more plant based with our eating and we have used many of her online recipes and from her cook book GLO – the smoothie recipes are our favourites. If you need some healthy treat ideas, Sarah is an expert!

Sarah has lots of ideas on her facebook and instagram feeds if you are interested.