I know your little people are too young at the moment to join school sports teams but Kohia offers some great opportunities. Team sports tends to start in year 3. The older my girls have got the more busy our lives seem to be juggling all the teams they are involved with.
We always need parent coaches and managers and we can’t offer all the different team sports without support. I am not a sporty person so have always offered to be manager instead of coaching various things over the years – I am just responsible for looking after balls, washing bibs and sending out emails. The girl’s Dad, Andy, is a keen soccer player so took Olivia’s intermediate soccer team to zones last Thursday. There is something for everyone. The school does however always offer to send you on courses and gives you resources if you are keen to coach but need support. They also can bring in outside ‘proper coaches’ to get you and the team underway, model some activities and teach you all the rules. You have lots to look forward to.
The other lovely thing about Kohia is the culture of promoting service and giving back, it is a real part of our community spirit. My 15 year old daughter Georgia coaches the Kohia year 5 netball team for example. It is not uncommon to see our past students coming back and doing different things for the school . The coach of Olivia’s waterpolo team is also a past student.
If you child is not sporty, the school also offers Kapa Haka, chess clubs, art clubs, choir and lots of drama and dance opportunites. For a small school we are pretty amazing I think.
…and finally in terms of school productions, we take turns. For example the Koru team (years 1-3) did a big production in 2016 and we will do another one next year. Last year our Harakeke team (years 4-6) did a production. This year it is the intermediates turn. In this photo Vanessa’s older brother Arthur, Sebastian’s older sister Eloise and Helena’s older sister Annemie were in my class when we did a gorgeous Mexican dance as part of our ‘Around the World’ production. All these costumes were made by Enzo’s Mum, the class looked stunning.
Our weekends are fill to the brim at the moment with waterpolo, netball and football. It is always nice to get home afterwards and get warm. Our beautiful 18 1/2 year old cat Moby loves it when we get home and we put on the fire.
Hope you all had a great weekend. See you tomorrow.