Welcome To Jess!!!

Welcome to Jess our new Room 5 learning assistant.  Jess will be with us in a few weeks.  Jess will be working full time, (9 am to 3 pm, 5 days a week), to support our learning.   Jess is going to teachers training college next year so we are lucky to have someone so keen to be in the classroom. We look forward to her starting. We are so lucky to have such incredible support in Room 5 and we have lots of projects and adventures planned already.

Writing Today

In writing today some of the children wrote sentences with the starter…”I did…”  Dd is the letter of the week.  Another group worked with Mrs Brown and we had a picture prompt of an astronaut to write about. We also used a thesaurus to help us use more interesting words.


I know I sometimes teach the children funny ways of saying things, and I am guilty of using the word snappy.  We sometimes talk about if we are feeling tired and a bit snappy we need to be extra careful about the things we say or have some quiet time.  I was so happy to get some ‘snappy’ socks from Singapore from Avery’s travels.  I love them!!!  The class also received some fab new stickers to use for our sticker charts and some fancy plasters for our special Room 5 plaster stash.  Lucky us!  Thank you Avery and family!!!

Lunch Today

Mrs Brown was on lunch duty today so it was lovely to spend some play time out with our little people and see all the friendships develop.  We watched a clip on kindness  just before lunchtime that Finn’s Mum sent in called ‘Oat the Goat’, which was really great.  Kindness is so super important.

Reading Choosing

While the children are waiting to read their books with the teacher, they choose from a wide range of literacy activities.  We try and mix it up and do lots of different things to keep the classroom fun and exciting.  You have to love learning when you are 5!!!!!

Jump Jam Assembly

Well done to Martin who got a reading certificate and congratulations to Avery and Scarlett who got writing certificates.  Keep up the great work!