Ms Ali popped in to take photos of the children for the space art project she is doing with them. It is going to be awesome. Ms Ali will finish them with the class next Thursday when she is teaching in Room 5. Thank you for such dedication Ms Ali, popping in in your own time is really generous.
Free Writing Thursday
On Thursdays we have free writing. We can write about anything we like. We started using inspirational cards today for creative ideas.
Project Self Esteem
Mums and Dads tend to thankfully think their children are perfect, including my own who gave me this cushion. There is of course no such thing as perfect and we do talk about making mistakes in Room 5 a lot and that is all normal and part of the learning process. We are doing a cute little self esteem project in Room 5 using this cushion and talking about what we are good at and what we love. Watch this space.
Tristan’s Great Long Weekend At The Mountain
Tristan and his older brother Llewellyn having some snow fun over the long weekend.
Great photos. Thanks for sharing with us Tristan.
Measurement Follow Up
We Saw A REAL Rainbow Today To Match Our Rainbow Poems
Welcome Jess and Shanaya

We are so lucky to have beautiful Jess join Room 5. The extra pair of hands will be amazing! Welcome also to gorgeous Shanaya. Your first day of school is so special.
Smiley Faced Mandarin
Measurement In Maths
We continued with our measurement unit today. We had a monster measurement afternoon. We looked at estimating (guessing) and accuracy (how correct the answer will be) . We also talked about measurement language such as taller and shorter. We started by estimating the height of Brownie Bear using small blocks. We then measured Brownie Bear to see how accurate we were.
We then estimated how many blocks it would take to get from one side of the table to the other. We then measured it with blocks. We were making lots of interesting predictions.
We then estimated how many blocks would be needed to measure how tall we were. We then measured using the blocks. We were getting better at estimating finally. Didn’t take long to get the hang of it.
We then put ourselves in height order from tallest to shortest.
We finished by talking about different ways to measure things. We did an experiment – if Mrs Brown measures the court by counting walking strides, will it be different if Vanessa does the same job? Not a great way to accurately measure something we thankfully concluded.
Rulers are a really accurate tool to use when measuring. What clever little maths people we are in Room 5.
Reading Learning Pathways
Everyone has a Learning Pathway Book for reading. We all have different goals. This little group was making predictions about what the non-fiction book was about. We were able to tick one of our ‘working towards’ goals.