Ms Ali (Bella) is in Room 5 today. She is the reliever teacher that comes in three days a term to cover my release. Bella use to teach year one at Kohia Terrace nearly five years ago – I remember how amazing all the art was in her class back then. We are lucky she is doing a gorgeous space art project with our little people at the moment, it is a real strength of hers. Ms Ali has two children, Jacob and Jamila who are adorable. If you don’t see Ms Ali today you might get to see her over the next two terms.
Little Leaders
I was in the office this morning and these two super stars whizzed past doing some leader jobs for Ms Ali – returning the roll to the office. Well done ladies!
Alison Shared Some Big News With Us!
The school is investing lots of money upgrading our junior play area. It is so exciting. We will be getting a boardwalk along the back fence, stage area and turfing more spaces to protect the children from all the muddy areas. We are also getting some more play equipment. The great news is this is being planned for this year! Alison came to tell the children and talk about some of the options with them to hear the kinds of things they would like to play with.
Happy Scrapbook Art Celebrating How Fab We Are
We have been doing regular circle time in Room 5 to help us learn to solve some of our own concerns and learn some great personal skills. Thanks to Jess, we now have some BEAUTIFUL scrapbook styled art celebrating how wonderful we are. We mention the things we love, the things we are grateful for and a personal goal. Come and have a look. A beautiful keepsake piece of art to celebrate the beautiful children of Room 5.
Yay! New Publishing Is Up!
Yay, we have new publishing up finally. We should hopefully finish our two new art projects soon also. There will be lots of new things to look at in Room 5.
Literacy Block
Well done Shanaya, we love your vowel box! We had a literacy hour where we published our writing from yesterday and than made vowel blocks when we finished our work.
Tselmeg was so clever at sticking the vowel boxes together – she was Mrs Brown’s special helper and got lots of stickers for her sticker chart.
Senior Cross Country
It was lovely to go down and cheer on the senior children racing, (year 3 up) today. Quite a few of our Room 5 children had older siblings racing so it was nice to cheer them on. Plus it gave us an idea what to expect on Friday.
Gabriel’s older sister Francesca had an incredible race! Well done Francesca!
We were such good little cheerleaders. We couldn’t believe how far the older students had to race. Thankfully we only need to do one lap around the field. Bring your gumboots on Friday – we are allowed to stand in the middle so we are close to the action and cheer our little people on.
Olivia came second which was great. Poor Olivia gets really bad asthma so was a bit upset afterwards as she felt so sick. Little Room 5 were really sweet making her feel better.
Senior Cross Country Is On Today…We Are On Friday
Olivia has been desperate to race in cross country and been training her little heart out. She has not been impressed with Auckland weather turning running tracks into mud baths stopping our many attempts to run the school event because of ground closures. BUT today is senior cross country. Our Room 5 little people will be running on Friday morning first thing at school. Feel free to stay and watch on Friday, (parents get extra house points if you wear your family school house colours). It should be a fast, quick event Friday morning now for us. But for today I will have my Mum hat on – run Olivia run!
Helena’s Writing Is In The School Newsletter
Well done Helena!
We Are Still Waiting For The Sun!
Hoping for lots of sunshine for Friday. We want to do cross country. Stay away rain please!!!! Cross country is planned for Friday morning.