I am so impressed with everyone’s beanstalks! It was clearly the right decision to send them home for the holidays. I do not have ‘green fingers’ as they say – my poor mother keeps buying me lovely plants in the hope I will actually look after them but alas they never live. Thank you for your efforts with the beanstalks. I was chatting to one of our parents about how impressed I am and mentioned at least we don’t have a classroom pet that needs to go home every weekend. In Wellington, Olivia’s kindy had a pet RAT and we were suppose to take turns in the weekend taking it home. The rat was called Anakin Skywalker. It was a traumatic weekend for us when it was our turn!!!! I LOVE animals and have had dogs, many cats (and was brought up on a farm) but I do NOT cope with rats. Beanstalks are much better!