While heading off to work today, Georgia starts study leave for the first round of NCEA mock exams. Only a few weeks of school left for her next term before the ‘real ones’. A big milestone in our house, the study/exam chapter will take us through to December now. Thinking of all the households juggling stressed off-spring tackling their first big exams this year.
New York Times Article
I loved reading this New York Times article about motivating children – what do we do? Do we reward or do we have negative consequences? They say neither. I thought it was really interesting.
Gabriel Is Off To Germany Tonight
Gabriel is off to Germany tonight with his lovely family. We can’t wait to see photos. Gabriel’s Dad is German so it is so wonderful that the family get to spend time there every couple of years. We will miss you Gabriel! We will see you next term.
Thanks Finn For Our New Minion Room 5 Plasters!
Assembly Practise Looking Good!
I can just see all our gorgeous room 5 people dressed up in their sea creature costumes next week hosting the school assembly. They are all doing so well. I couldn’t be more proud of everyone. We are on track!
Practising Our Basic Facts In Maths
Playtime Today
Look at all the beautiful faces! Doing lunchtime duty in the sun was gorgeous today. I am super proud of Phoebe and her brother Louis and older sister Chloe who spent their lunchtime running as part of the marathon running club.
Creating Sentences
For our little people who have just started school or for those that need extra support getting their reading and writing underway this is a great exercise to do to support their learning. Copy a sentence onto post-it notes and recreate a sentence from a book.
Reading Today
Such fabulous reading today in Room 5. Lucky Snoopy got some stories read to him.