Kohia Terrace School. Year 1. The life of 5 year olds. We want to invite parents and family into our classroom. Come and watch our adventures and learn about what we are learning. So when the children come home and you ask, "What did you do today?", the children will never be able to say, "nothing" ever again…our days are busy and learning constant. We love sharing our special first year of school life with you.
Oh how I have loved your little people. Thank you for trusting me with your most precious treasures. As a Mum I know teachers are some of the most important people in your lives as they/we are with your children for huge chunks of time, teaching them and helping them grow. Thank you. It really has been my pleasure being part of your worlds. I wish you all a successful 2019.
Sarah x
We are nearly there. The last two weeks have been crammed with school activities. Everyone has done so well!!! Exhausting!
All the children designed a packaging picture for the reindeer sprinkles. It was our little marketing project – reindeer sprinkle pictures designed by… We then put another persons picture design on the packet so everyone got a different picture from one of their room 5 friends. X