I hope you all had a great weekend. I caught up with some dear friends, we met 12 years ago through our children. I was thinking many of my dearest friends are actually people I have met through Georgia and Olivia. Isn’t it wonderful that our children and schools can connect you with people that will become lifelong friends. Like most busy families we don’t catch up as much as we would like and it takes enormous effort to find a date everyone can agree to, but it is wonderful when we do catch up. We mostly talk about the children, (some things don’t change). AND cue drum roll… finally this weekend we are VERY excited because Georgia has her last exam on Monday for NCEA and then we can all relax! She has been studying all weekend. Mr Brown is taking the girls to Fiji these holidays so it will be lovely for them to relax before the big whopper NCEA exams start again in November.