Diary Of A Wombat

This is the time of the term when the children get very tired.  It is also the start of the cold and bug season which hits 5 year olds hard.  We are talking a lot about using tissues properly, washing our hands, sneezing and coughing into our arm (not hands) and if we are feeling tired and a bit grumpy how to manage ourselves. Early nights are how we manage this time of year in our house – Diary of a Wombat is a great book that sums up how many of us feel about now.

LOVE This Quote…

I know I can be guilty of not taking the time to listen all the time but I do think it is so important for little people to feel listened to, and as the Mum of teenage girls I know it is crucial as our children get older to have a foundation.  Their little stuff is big stuff because it is important to them and their worlds.

Writing Today…

The letters of the week are Cc and Kk (because they make the same sound), so we wrote about cooks and cakes in writing today.  We did lots of work on how to use our writing cards properly.  The most important thing is we are giving writing a go and remembering mistakes are how we learn.

Library Afternoon

With Alison in Wellington doing busy Principal business, I got to take Room 5 to the library today which I loved.  We got some new books to read for the classroom also!

Happy Birthday Mrs Turner

We had a lovely surprise today. Mrs Turner turned 30 yesterday so Room 4 had a little party just before lunchtime and invited us!!!!!

Room 4 made invitations for us and came into our classroom and read them out loud.  We were very excited to be included in the celebration!  Happy birthday Mrs Turner.