If We Do This…We Get That
Reward systems!!!! We did such a great job with our reading today and tidying up, our reward was 10 minutes playing on the big playground on the bottom field.
We always miss out on the good tables BUT not today!!!!!!! We went out a smidge before the bell so we got the seats we wanted. We also went over our lunch rules about not sharing our lunches, sitting down while we eat, showing the duty teacher when we have finished – so much to remember.
So Exciting!!!
We did handwriting in our new books today!!!! We were very excited.
Busy Teachers…Always Learning As Well
Principal Alison, myself and Gardner Road Kindergarten Head Teacher Gaylene are the Schools and Early Childhood Transition Leaders for Auckland Central Educators. Our goal is to connect early childhood organisations and schools to facilate best practise amongst our community. Our goal is to give children the best possible start to school by working together. AND because teachers need to keep learning we invited our KTS Team Leader Felecia to talk to our group about supporting special needs children in the classroom – needs such as anxiety, learning needs, behaviour needs etc, there is such a huge range. Felecia has vast experience in this area and we are so lucky to have her at KTS and we wanted to share her expertise with the group. We had a great night. Meadowbank School hosted the evening.
Word Power Game
In groups we had a couple of fun word competitions – Word Power. The first challenge was to write as many ‘N’ words as we could, (with Mrs Brown helping). We then wrote all the words we knew how to spell, such as ‘the’, ‘and’, ‘mum’, ‘dad’ – with lots of help from Mrs Brown as well. We learnt lots about working in groups and helping each other.
Brain Break Outside Game
After finishing reading we went outside for a quick game. It is a bit hard for Avery to run with her broken arm, so Mrs Brown showed off a few funny filters while we sat with the class playing Duck, Duck, Goose.
The Changing Faces of Room 5
Aren’t we gorgeous? Beautiful smiles!
Sooo What Are The Lunch Time Rules?
We had to share with our new friends the school’s lunchtime rules like not sharing our lunch, sitting while eating, wearing our hats, showing a duty teacher our lunchboxes when we have finished, putting our lunchboxes away, staying in the junior playground…so so so much to remember.
Welcome to Room 5 Eloise and Helena
We are very lucky to have such beautiful girls join Room 5.