At the moment we are doing team/group activities in literacy. We take turns being a leader and record information together. It is really good practise as you have to teach children the skills to work together, (which can be a frustrating process). Just as well we have our calm cards! I love this saying also…”when little people are overwhelmed by big emotions, it’s our job to share our calm, not to join the chaos”. I think little people mirror our energy – I really believe that.
Whale Literacy Project
One of our little literacy groups is learning research skills. They are learning how to find information, how to record information and how to present information.
Statistics In Maths
We looked at statistics in maths today. We made a class statistics chart and did our own survey about our families.
Seahorses – We Know Sooooo Many Facts About Seahorses!
We Are Making Cute Fish In Class
When I Grow Up…
We had a cute class chat today about what we wanted to do for a profession when we grow up. Jess and I are going to ponder a cute project to explore this more but we thought you might appreciate the answers. We have lots of justice seeking children you will see with the police force recruiting strong numbers from room 5.
Eloise – vet
Clara (Eloise’s younger sister) – train driver
Eriko – lego designer
Avery – doctor
Sebastian – marine biologist
Helena – policewoman
Julian – policeman
Gabriel – policeman
Stella – artist (or lego designer)
Phoebe – policewoman
Tristan – fisherman
William – astronaut
Shanaya – princess
Jake – policeman
Isabella – hairdresser
Catherine – doctor
Finn – nurse
Tselmeg – scientist
Nadia – teacher
June – princess
Vanessa – vet
Vincent – dog groomer
Alexandra – pet shop owner
(Martin and Scarlett were away today so we will have to ask them tomorrow)
Following Instructions – Literally
I asked the children who were working on their whale project to just peg it all together and they can carry on working on it tomorrow. This is what I found! Hilarious!!!!
(What I meant for the children to do was put all their work together in a pile and use one peg to keep it all together). I love how literal five year olds can be!
Projects Galore In Reading This Week!
During our reading session now we have one ‘must do/have to’ activity and that is everyone has to do one page from their handwriting book independently.
Creating words is great fun!
The whale project is coming along nicely and we are doing lots of other different projects with our different groups this week.
We Love Your Fiji Braids Helena
Bula. Welcome back Helena. We missed you. Sounds like you had a great time in Fiji.
Miss Ali Popped In With Jacob and Mila
Miss Ali popped in to collect the children’s whale art so she could put it all together at home for us. It was lovely for the children to meet 3 year old Jacob and 2 year old Mila.