We had a lovely relaxing afternoon reading our books with Mrs Brown, finishing our whale project, making fishy crafty art with wavy paper, doing handwriting and other literacy activities. Vanessa and Nadia had an audience when they read their books
Cosmic Kids Yoga
This week the weather has been too cold and wet for outside fitness so we have been doing lots of cosmic kids yoga. Today Julian and Sebastian made Brownie Bear join in.
Eloise Has Finished Her Writing Book! Yay So Exciting!!!!!
Well done Eloise! You have finished your writing book! Can’t wait to read all your new stories in your new book!
Free Writing Today Made Us All Laugh!
You Tube Clip of Giraffes Diving Into A Swimming Pool
We had free writing today. We tried something a bit different and watched a funny clip about giraffes diving into a swimming pool. It was very silly and we loved it. A great way to get engagement with children is to hook them in with a funny situation to write about. You might want to watch at home, I have attached the link above the picture.
Stage Art
Kohia Terrace School had 83 students from years 5 to 8 take part in the Stage Art Challenge at the Bruce Mason Theatre Wednesday night. Sebastian’s older sister Claudia was in it. Gabriel’s older sister Francisca was in the show also. Georgia and I were there as my Olivia was also one of the 83 students. A massive undertaking by our year 2 teacher Katie Williams who put it all together and rehearsed with the children for many months. Year 5 teacher Penny Low also supported the production.
Our Maths Action Stations Afternoon
Calm Cards – They Work!!!!
Yay for the calm cards. Today one of our little people got really upset. The class were amazing. I heard everyone yell, “Get the calm cards”. Children ran and got them and gave them to our little friend. Great to have a tool kit of ideas to get our emotions back on track when we lose our temper. Yay for the calm cards.
From Dusk Til Dawn
We read a book today that mentions dusk and dawn. We had a great class chat about what times that meant and back in the ‘old days’ before there were clocks and watches. Sorry Jasper, (Stella’s Dad), Stella said “Yep my Dad didn’t have clocks when he was a boy”. (She did quickly correct it to my Poppa). We actually talked about EVEN Stella’s Poppa would have had clocks so it was really in the old, old, old days when people used the sun to tell the time – dusk and dawn.
Our Room 5 Otter Expert!
Sebastian loves otters! Look at his new otter toy. His lovely family is organising an otter outfit for our school sharing assembly. I can’t wait to see you as an otter Sebastian. We love learning otter facts from you too.
Happy 6th Birthday To Our Sparkly Stella!
Have a gorgeous day beautiful girl.